Products Archive - Orbin - Waste management company India | Composting India

Orbin™ Solo – Household Organic Waste Composting

About Orbin™ Solo : An aerobic home composter designed specifically for Indian households to treat organic kitchen waste and plate left over waste

Orbin™ Stax – Kitchen / Canteen Waste Composter

About Orbin™ Stax Organic Waste Composter : World’s first multi-stage aerated vertical composter For large quantities of waste treatment, a biofloc air blower

Orbin™ Silo AR3200 – OWC & Curing SILO

About Orbin™ Silo AR3200 Kitchen waste Composter : It’s a large capacity holding silo that can be used for kitchen waste composting and

Orbin™ Silo AR750 – Curing Silo

About Orbin™ Silo AR1100 : It is a large capacity holding silo that can be used for kitchen waste composting, curing of compost,

Orbin™ Bioclean Composting Enzyme Brick

The bioclean composting brick is suitable for home & office composting using our Orbin Eco-OWC product. The brick can be kept in the

Orbin™ Silo AR3200 – Leaf composter

About Orbin™ Silo AR3200 Leaf composter :  Orbin™ Silo can be used as a leaf litter composter. The leaves are put into the